Aroma Cigar RoomDec 29, 20212 minCigar Sizes and Cigar TypesThe cigar world can seem an expansive and rather daunting place, with so many different cigars form which to choose. Yet with a few tips,...
Aroma Cigar RoomDec 1, 20213 minHow to Pick a CigarThere is nothing better than smoking a great cigar. And there’s not much worse than lighting up and finding the cigar simply isn’t your...
Aroma Cigar RoomNov 1, 20219 minHow to Smoke a CigarSmoking cigars is an incredibly rewarding experience, but the art of smoking takes a little practice. There are many small etiquette...
Aroma Cigar RoomOct 13, 20212 minThe Construction of a Premium CigarA good cigar is defined by an attention to detail. Cigar anatomy is a combination of exacting processes, from tobacco leaf through...